Wednesday, July 31, 2019

5 Minute Sppech

Does the thought of writing and delivering a speech terrify you? Most people share your fear. But why remain scared of public speaking when the solution to this age old problem is so simple? Follow these simple speaking tips and you'll be ready to present a decent speech next week. First, take a deep breath and relax your mind. Your challenge is to speak to an audience about a topic that you know something about. In other words, you will be sharing your knowledge in a conversational manner with people who are interested in what you have to say. Second, break down the elements of your speech.A simple technique to use in your opening is the Attention Grabber Question. Ask the audience a question that will force them to respond either aloud or to themselves. This will get people involved with your topic and provide you with the positive feedback you need to share a quality message. Decide on three main body points that you want to cover. You may even choose three stories or anecdotes to use as the body points. That will make audience sharing even easier. The goal is to make you feel like you're telling a story to a friend. The only difference is that you're telling the story to ten, twenty, fifty or one hundred friends!Finally, your conclusion must challenge, issue a call to action, or motivate your audience to do something positive with the information that you've just shared. The conclusion is the most frequently abused piece of a speech. The speaker typically hurries to finish and leaves out a profound bit of wisdom that the audience needs and wants. Speaker Beware – Don't try to memorize your speech word for word. If you lose your place and grasp for the exact word that makes up your script, you may draw a mind blank and panic. Let's look at a simple speech topic that can quickly be developed into a complete presentation.Suppose you want to talk about container gardening. An Attention Grabber Question might be, â€Å"How many of you have a green thumb? â€Å"Well neither did I until I started dropping plants into pots. † Audience members will either answer yes or no to the green thumb question. You have their involvement at this point in the beginning. Your three main body points may feature three different types of plants you have successfully grown in containers. For added impact, show pictures of your work or bring a sample of your passion for gardening. Props always add another dimension to your presentations. Let your excitement about the topic fuel your words.In the conclusion, simply tell the audience how easy it is to begin container gardening. You may even give them resources to explore for more information. This leaves the audience members with valuable advice that they can use after leaving the room. For beginning orators, consider taking a three by five note card to the lectern. The card should only feature the Attention Grabber Question, the three main body points, and the profound conclusion that sends the au dience home feeling content and fulfilled. Glance at the card only to keep order. Make an effort to look at each audience member.Use a sweeping eye movement so that you're sharing the information with everyone in the room. As you gain confidence as a speaker, you can experiment with hand gestures, vocal variety and body movement. These skills will develop with practice. When you get that next speech assignment, decide to share and not recite your wisdom. Break down the elements of the presentation. Don't let the project overwhelm you. Make sure you give the audience members something to take home. You are offering some information that they can use. With a positive, sharing attitude, you can knock out a quality presentation in only 5 – 7 minutes!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Clockwork Orange Essay

The novel A Clockwork Orange written by Anthony Burgess and published in 1962 is a brilliant commentary on humanity and morality in our evermore controlling world. Burgess believes that the freedom to make moral choices is what seperates human beings from plant life and lower animals. He illustrates his beliefs on morality with his main character Alex. Alex is given freedom to make his own choices, and is able to see good and bad as both equally valid decisions. Once the state removes Alex’s right to make these moral choices he becomes nothing more then just a thing. This novel uses elements such as the Christian idea of morality to further this point. Also Burgess uses his own creation, the language of Nadsat to further this point that our reality is subjective to our moral stances in this world. The language Brugess developed is the fashionable dialect amongst the teens of A Clockwork Orange. Deemed Nadsat by Burgess to reflect the Russian roots of its dialect, â€Å"Indeed, the word ‘nadsat’ actually comes from the Russian suffix for ‘teen’. † (What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). Burgess developed the language of Nadsat after learning Russian for a trip he had been planning with his wife. This article explains the language as us elements of Anglo-American, but many of the words having Slavic roots. †The language,nadsat, is explained by Blake Morrison in his introduction to the book as, ‘essentially Anglo-American †¦ but many of the words are Slavic in origin,’. † (What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). This is a testament to Burgess’ ability to manipulate English and other origins of language to paint a picture and create an atmosphere with words. Another example of Burgess utilization of vocabulary is in main character Alex’s name, that stems from a-lex which has means without law, a fair testament to his personality, and behavior, â€Å"Another interesting feature of the book, related to the language, is the meaning of Alex’s name, which comes from a-lex, which means without, or outside the law. † (What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). The language was developed to have certain effects on the reader, and put emphasis on the first person perspective in which this novel was written. One of the effects the use of Nadsat has on the reader is creating a distancing feeling from reader to Alex and his story. This makes the reader feel like more of an outside observer to the happenings of this novel. However, dialect used like â€Å"O my brothers† creates a conflict effect to the effects of Nadsat, as it is inclusive as opposed to distancing. This gives the novel a feel that Alex is telling his story to you, a close friend, in a later more stable time in Alex’s life. This article establishes recognition of this incongruous literary device, â€Å"the way in which Alex addresses us, quite often with the words ‘O my brothers. ‘ makes the story being told more personal, as it seems to be just us that Alex is talking to, and we are in receipt of an amazing story which is only being told to a chosen few. This use of language is incongruous to the use of the nadsat†¦ † (What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). The trend of distancing through Nadsat is continued in the effect it has on dulling the violence and graphic content found throughout A Clockwork Orange. Most of the context in which Nadsat is used contains discussions of ultra violent behaviors. This allows the reader to judge and observe Alex with only a vague understanding of the extent of his violent and sinister activities. This article illustrates this point with a quote from Burgess, the violence in the book is partially veiled, making it seem less shocking. As Burgess himself explained;’to tolchock a chelloveck in the kishkas does not sound as bad as booting a man in the guts. ‘† (What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). Another effect Nadsat has on the reader is that it helps differentiate the teenagers from mature adults, or furthermore, those who carry a similar ideology, or hold a similar understanding to main character, Alex, and those who do not. As Illustrated in this article, â€Å"In one way, however, Burgess’ use of the nadsat provides a useful reference point for us in figuring out who among the characters is a ‘teen’ and who is not. † (What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). This point is also made by Alex in part three,†Oh, that,† I said, â€Å"is what we call nadsat talk. All the teens use that, sir. (A Clockwork Orange, 167). This article is an introduction to Brugess’ creation, Nadsat. It clarifies the roots and origins of the dialect found in a Clockwork Orange. Explaining where Anthony Burgess found the inspiration to develop the dialect to represent the youth of his novel. Also it helps the reader understand the effects Burgess is trying to have on your perception of the story with the introduction of Nadsat. These understandings all furthers your understanding and immersion into the story and ideals behind the story A Clockwork Orange, which I think is one of the many reasons this great story carries such a cult following. A clockwork orange Essay By the end of the novel Alex has changed as if by clockwork, because he cannot stop himself growing up into an adult and he knows that he will become one of the bullied people as the new youth are born, and if he has kids that they will go through the same process as he did, just like clockwork and he cannot stop it from happening: † and nor would I be able to stop him. And nor would he be able to stop his own son, brothers. And so it would itty on to like the end of the world†. After chapter two, he said â€Å"I am a clockwork orange†, this is because after Lodovico’s technique, he had no free will because as he could not even protect himself from fights because whatever the doctors said he would do, in this sense he has become a machine, or a clockwork toy, like children’s toys, as this novel has many references to children’s things, which have been warped, like the milk with drugs in it, and now Alex being a clockwork toy. These attempts to change him failed because he had become a mechanism of the doctors, and change was forced upon him, but the final chapter of the book shows that people change and mature naturally from within, change cannot be forced upon them. The novel â€Å"Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde† has a completely different structure to that of â€Å"A Clockwork orange†. In Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde there is the use of multiple narrators, instead of just the one. This tells us, that there was no voice for the people not in the higher class of society with the upper class only important, because all the narrators are all high-class people with well paid jobs, as seen by: â€Å"Mr Utterson the lawyer† this shows that Victorians had a very narrow view of society. This relates to Robert Louis Stevenson’s background because he was brought up in the upper middle classes of Edinburgh, he was raised as a Calvinist, in which the elect were the ones blessed by God, who turn out rich and the reprobates had a bad life, however Stevenson rebels against this and gives up law to become a writer, and he marries an already divorced woman with three children, he also by the final years of his life travels the world, this is why we only hear from Jekyll/Hyde in the last chapter, because Hyde represents rebellion , as Roberts life was very restricted, like Jekyll before he rebelled, but after he rebelled he was free like Hyde. Stevenson breaks the book apart in this way because at the time he wrote the book, society was disintegrating, as immigrants were coming to London bringing disease, religion was breaking apart because of science, crime was rising, and there was a huge division of classes, and Hyde in the novel is represented as foreign, as he is described as â€Å"some damned juggernaut†, which is a Indian religious statue which is carried through the streets not stopping even if people are crushed underneath it, portraying him a some sort of disease. The language of Jekyll represents that of the other narrators in the novel, because all of them are upper class men so they are expected to talk in a certain manner, as seen: â€Å"But I have been pedantically exact, as you call it†, this is quite a high class way of speech, and Jekyll is narrowed by this way of speech because he is high class. However in the final chapter, the language starts to change because he has to make a final decision about who to stay as, Jekyll, or Hyde, as he start to become scared, as when Jekyll starts to describe his transformation into Hyde the language becomes more fluent, fun, youthful language: â€Å"Edward Hyde would pass away like a stain of breath upon a mirror† However Jekyll’s speech was respectable, but with boundaries, and was very sharp and did not flow like Hyde’s. Jekyll enjoys evil in the form of Hyde, because in a way it gives Jekyll an opportunity to experience free life without having to be a lower class. He enjoys the life of Hyde more because it has no boundaries, and he feels free with it. In Jekyll’s normal life he is bounded by upper class rules so he has no passion, which he really wants. This resembles † A Clockwork Orange†, as the final chapter of A clockwork Orange, ends unhappily, because Alex has lost all his passion, and beauty, because of his changes in music: â€Å"I was slooshying more like malenky romantic songs† when he was small he was full of life when hearing Beethoven, and he has lost that as he has become older, his fun youth days have gone. This is like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde because with Jekyll his class binds him, so he cannot be free and have wild fun, but when he is Hyde he is free and youthful: â€Å"I was often plunged into a kind of wonder at my vicarious depravity†, he is also † younger, lighter, happier†, and he gets a † heady recklessness† when Hyde. Stevenson is like Hyde in the sense that, Hyde is a figure of rebellion again the upper class boundaries, and Stevenson did exactly the same as he rebelled against Calvinist beliefs. He could also be seen like Jekyll, bounded because of his class, but Stevenson bounded by his illness, and all the time he wanted to break free, and finally he did, to become an individual, not held back by beliefs, or morals. This novel says that morals and classes cannot bind human nature, people have to become what they become, and there is no stopping that, because as people grow they will change, and rebel against beliefs, which they think, are wrong. A Clockwork Orange Essay Anthony Burgess uses a number of devices to evoke both sympathy and empathy from the reader, most notably in the direction of the novella’s protagonist. Alex’s first person narrative thrusts the reader into the dystopian world Burgess creates and the twisted actions he undertakes as a part of his drug-fuelled ‘ultra-violence’. Despite this, the reader is also forced into grasping the understanding of the morally disturbed character and Burgess cleverly manipulates Alex as a representation of the young and troubled generation. The plot itself equally contributes to the readers feeling towards Alex as he additionally becomes a government subject; torturing his mind to remove any capacity of evil and the subsequent downward spiral his life takes. But Burgess continually begs the question: is it possible to feel sympathy for a character capable of the most disgraceful crimes? Structurally, Burgess uses the formation of the novella itself and the division of the parts as a method of finding empathy for Alex. Each part begins with the same question to the reader: â€Å"What’s it going to be then, eh? † which at the start appears innocuous as they decide on their night’s dwellings. But this is repeated in the beginning of the second part as Alex is imprisoned; the same question now has an alternative meaning, his future looks bleak and he is sentenced to a stint in prison because of the murder he commits. Instead of an innocuous question, it now is a meaningful question in the readers head evoking empathy by the uncertainty of his punishment and the impending circumstances of the ‘staja’. Yet the final repetition of the question in the concluding part of the novella enforces the most empathy. Firstly the cyclical nature of the question as it refers right back to the beginning suggests to the reader that perhaps Alex is now actually faced with a choice to either improve his life or to continue to neglect his obvious intelligence. What evokes perhaps the most empathy is that because of his torturing under the Ludivico Technique, he no longer has the capacity to commit evil and free will is ripped away from him. The reader is forced into a moral dilemma through Burgess’s manipulation of the structure which confirms the fear that he has become ‘A Clockwork Orange’. One of the most effective methods Burgess uses is the first person narrative of Alex. First person becomes a tool in the novella which allows Alex to convey his deepest thoughts to the reader, and the perspective of events. Because Burgess uses first person narrative, the reader is forced into the mind of Alex, giving an excellent insight into the absence of morality in the main character. Alex says: â€Å"where was I to go, who had no home and not much cutter? † despite being a criminal, the first person narrative immediately changes the viewpoint for the reader who now sympathises with Alex who is seemingly helpless and abandoned. Burgess successfully uses this narrative to ensure that the reader’s reaction is maximised; the closer to the action the reader is, the more likely they are to feel emotion for the character involved. In the context of the novella, this is following from his family’s rejection of him who have replaced him with ‘Joe’; adding to the sympathy from the reader because family is supposedly the main body of support in life and when your family fails you, that renders you helpless. Alex’s narrative certainly includes numerous examples of emotive language â€Å"I’ve suffered and I’ve suffered and everybody wants me to go on suffering† here the repetition of the word â€Å"suffering† cements the idea to the reader that this is a character who has faced adversity and has appears to have the world against him. The first person narrative immediately sides the reader with Alex, defending his actions when everybody else turns on him. The word â€Å"suffering† suggests the pain Alex has been through, which Burgess conveys to the reader in order to connect with the character in spite of his sickening acts. The device of first person narrative develops into a powerful method of evoking empathy of the reader; shared emotions of the troubled character allow the reader to enter Alex’s mind and the thought process behind the violence thus excusing him from even the most unacceptable atrocities. How Alex addresses the reader is also a method which Burgess uses as a connecting link. Whilst in first person narrative, he addresses the reader continually: â€Å"O, my brothers†. Initially this appears to be neither transcending nor condescending which gives the reader a certain relation to Alex, as if he was a regular person somebody would meet. But also the connotations of the word â€Å"brother† is significant as it develops a fraternal relationship between the reader and Alex; a family, brotherly bond where the trouble Alex finds himself in, the reader understands and can even begin defending him. But as the plot progresses Alex also appeals to the reader directly labelling himself: â€Å"Your Humble Narrator†. The language is suggestive of Alex lowering of himself, in service to the reader. To the reader, this changes the relationship previously outlined by the character who now considers himself beneath his superiors and perhaps this is a result of the continual demise of his life and his treatment, the lack of confidence and recognition of his place on the social hierarchy. The character of Alex himself can certainly be seen as a device constructed by Burgess which attracts sympathy. Notably, his love of classical music is considered an acquired taste and is associated with the higher class things in life as a fine art. But his passion for it is evident: â€Å"Then, brothers, it came. Oh, bliss, bliss and heaven† and his reaction upon hearing his favourite sound is interesting as he closes himself from the rest of the world in his corner of his bedroom. In relation to a 1960’s audience when classical music was perhaps more common in society, Alex’s preference would have certainly be shared with many people of the era. The effect this has is that both the reader and the main character have a shared taste, a common ground, linking them. Here, sympathy is created by Burgess as the readers feel closer to Alex through his love of classical music, giving him a more human side despite his violent tendencies. In conclusion, the novella on the whole culminates to evoke sympathy for the main character. Burgess main device of achieving so is certainly the first person narrative in which the audience is given the clearest insight into the protagonist’s actions and thoughts; making a strong bond from the beginning. Rather than ‘not encouraging to find much sympathy’ indeed it is actually hard to not find sympathy in the character of Alex. Ultimately the audience’s moral dilemma of feeling sympathy for a character capable of the most sinister acts is overridden by the embedded human nature of nurturing and rehabilitation; even the most evil of criminals can be put on the right path and change their ways. A clockwork orange Essay Q1. What do we learn about the character of Alex in â€Å"A clockwork orange† form the first four chapters? In â€Å"A clockwork orange† Alex is the main character, there are also 3 other important characters too they are Dim, Pete and Georgie, they are all in the same gang. Alex is the leader of this gang we know this because he calls Dim, Pete and Georgie â€Å"his droogs†. Alex is fifteen years old and he is a teenager who enjoys drinking and taking drugs, like all teenagers he is rebellious. He has a lot of power over people and can be quite manipulating at times as in chapter one he buys some drinks for some ‘old baboochkas’ so he has an alibi. We find out that Alex is fascinated and enjoys violence and sex. He chooses to do the bad things he does because he likes to do them ‘But what I do I do because I like to do’. We learn that Alex is well educated and can speak politely to people who are able to find out what he does and make him stop doing what he does, like P. R. Deltoid, his post-corrective adviser; he talks to him very politely however he does go over the top on the politeness and sounds patronising for example ‘to what do I owe the extreme pleasure? Is anything wrong, sir? ‘ we learn that he doesn’t care for anyone than himself, otherwise I don’t think he would of caused pain to innocent people. He doesn’t like to be dirty, and when Dim was all dirty and looked a mess Alex and the other two characters tidied him up. I don’t think he feels guilty after all the crimes that he commits however I do feel that he sometimes holds back and he only does the bad things he does when he has taken drugs. As well as enjoying violence and sex he enjoys classical music especially Beethoven’s ninth symphony, as when he rapes a woman in her home he puts classical music on and the way he describes the music ‘slooshying the sluice of lovely sounds’. In chapter three he associates violence with the music and climax’s with the music whilst thinking about violence. Alex is very much of an individual. Q2. What effects does the style of the novel create? The way ‘A clockwork orange’ is written is using a mixture of slang, old English, cockney rhyming slang, and foreign words, this is because it is Alex’s own special gang language. Every gang at the time had their own gang language, which could be very different or very alike to Alex’s, to this day people around the country have their own gang language. The way Anthony Burgess has written the novel has made the reader feel very involved in the violence; I sometimes feel that I have actually witnessed Alex doing the dreadful things he does. The writer has achieved this by preaching to the reader ‘O my brothers’. The word brother makes you feel part of his gang, when he is speaking to his other gang members or describing something he is doing or done, he will almost every time say ‘my brother’. The way Alex describes things he likes doing he does in so much detail and it really makes the reader feel the same way Alex does about what he likes. As it is from a males view point women aren’t seen as good as men and they are only there for sex. Q3. What do we learn of the society of the novel? In this novel we learn that the society or the area Alex lives is a very rundown area, and it is a working class area. We know there is a lot of trouble in the area as when P. R. Deltoid comes to see Alex, Alex describes him as ‘an overworked veck with hundreds on his book’ this meaning that P. R. Deltoid had lots of trouble makers to see that morning and that he had been in his job for a long time. Also people wont go out at night because of all the crime. His dad says ‘but we don’t go out much now. We daren’t go out much, the streets being what they are. Young hooligans and so on’. This also suggests that there is a big lack of police in the area to control the crime, the authority is undermined by the younger generation. There is also a lot of vandalism in the area as the ‘old municipal painting’ in his flatblock had been graffiti on by people drawing rude things on it. The painting was to show the society of the area and it describes the painting as ‘vecks and ptitsas very well developed, stern in the dignity of labour, at workbench and machine with not one stitch of platties on their well-developed plots. ‘ This is saying that the people in the society are working class however they are proud of what they do. I feel that there isn’t a lot of trust in the area as well and that everyone is frightened of each other because in chapter two the woman at the door had the chain on the door so it is obvious that she is aware of all the crime in the area and is also scared. Although in chapter four the two young girls did not know about the danger of being around Alex maybe this is because they were so vulnerable or they were not aware of the danger in the area. A Clockwork Orange Essay I chose for my text transformation to use the base text ‘A Clockwork Orange’ by Anthony Burgess. This novel interested me because of its individual language of ‘Nadsat’, a form of slang created by Burgess for gangs of violent English teenagers. The slang serves a serious purpose, which is too keep the violence of the protagonist from becoming unbearable to its reader, keeping the language partly veiled, for example making ‘gratizny bratchny’ sound more pleasant than its meaning ‘dirty bastard’. It is important to realise that its audience of the 60’s have not yet become subject to such violence and despair explored in the novel. So what have I done? I have taken four characters from the novel (Alex’s parents, Alex and the schoolmaster) and placed them into ‘The Jerry Springer Show’, creating a parody of the show. I have given Alex’s parents the names of Janet and Derek and looked at their perspective of Alex’s violent activities. As I would chronologically slot the show in just before the police catch him, I have kept Alex’s attitude of his enjoyment of violence. When the schoolmaster has been beaten up and staggers off, that is the last we have heard of him in the novel, I decided to give him a voice and see what he would have said about his attack. So why did I choose to do this? ‘The Jerry Springer Show’ is a dysfunctional show and Alex is a dysfunctional character. Jerry Springer’s show is amoral TV; it is outrageous, shocking, scandalous and hilarious. The show has no limits. Nearly all stories have major big twists that unfold as more guests get called out. These guests often get violent and try to kick and punch other parties involved, whilst typically Jerry tries to redeem his guests. This is why I think it works well with the character of Alex and his behaviour seen in the novel. The novel represents the society in which Alex lives in as complete dystopian, dark and dismal, with no law and order. ‘The Jerry Springer Show’ is a chat show, although it is very staged with his agenda-setting questions and appearing guests, the show is almost entirely full of spontaneous speech. Therefore I decided to do a transcript version of the show, although obviously not true to its discourse as I would be giving the characters a voice as appose to spontaneous speech written down as it is heard. Jerry Springer, as an American, has his own geographical dialect. It was important to keep this as well as phrases ‘singly the best audience’ and his own idiolect ‘right’, ‘well’, ‘hey’, ‘so’, to indicate his regional origin. Jerry has an informal register that contains much ellipsis, such as â€Å"you’re singly the best† and â€Å"here ’cause you love†. The graphology of the transformation is laid out in the convention of the transcript. The names of the characters have been placed on the left hand side indicating who is talking and to the right, is what is actually being said: â€Å"Alex: are you saying do i enjoy lubbilubbing with a devotchas Janet: against their will alex against their will Alex: not recently no em† Sounds that are not fore grounded I have placed in italics for example, the audience’s reactions to the quests comments â€Å"(Audience boos loudly)†. As this is a transcript and not a play, I have not included stage directions or actions taken by the characters, as a recording of the show a transcript would only contain sounds heard on the recorder. The syntax of Alex and his friends, in the novel, is completely different to that of any other characters. The Nadsat slang has derived from many different language sources but many are Slavic in origin. A mixture of Russian and demotic English, with elements of rhyming slang and gypsy talk, ‘O my brothers’, as well as anglicized words and amputations ’em’, ‘pee’.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Calvin Coolidge - 1924 Speech on Individual Sacrifice and Taxes

Calvin Coolidge Speech on Taxes, Liberty, and the Philosophy of Government delivered 11 August 1924, The White House Grounds, Washington, D.C. [This] country needs every ounce of its energy to restore itself. The costs of government are all assessed upon the people. This means that the farmer is doomed to provide a certain amount of money out of the sale of his produce, no matter how low the price, to pay his taxes. The manufacturer, the professional man, the clerk, must do the same from their income. The wage earner, often at a higher rate when compared to his earning, makes his contribution, perhaps not directly but indirectly, in the advanced cost of everything he buys. The expenses of government reach everybody. Taxes take from everyone a part of his earnings and force everyone to work for a certain part of his time for the government. When we come to realize that the yearly expenses of the governments of this countrythe stupendous sum of about 7 billion, 500 million dollars we get700 million dollars is needed by the national government, and the remainder by local governments. Such a sum is difficult to comprehend. It represents all the pay of five million wage earners receiving five dollars a day, working 300 days in the year. If the government should add 100 million dollars of expense, it would represent four days more work of these wage earners. These are some of the reasons why I want to cut down public expense. I want the people of America to be able to work less for the government and more for themselves. I want them to have the rewards of their own industry. This is the chief meaning of freedom. Until we can reestablish a condition under which the earnings of the people can be kept by the people, we are bound to suffer a very severe and distinct curtailment of our liberty. These results are not fanciful; they are not imaginary. They are grimly actual and real, reaching into every household in the land. They take from each home annually an average of over 300 dollars and taxes must be paid. They are not a voluntary contribution to be met out of surplus earnings. They are a stern necessity. They come first. It is only out of what is left, after they are paid, that the necessities of food, clothing, and shelter can be provided and the comforts of home secured, or the yearnings of the soul for a broader and more abundant life gratified. When the government affects a new economy, it grants everybody a life pension with which to raise the standard of existence. It increases the value of everybodys property, raises the scale of everybodys wages. One of the greatest favors that can be bestowed upon the American people is economy in government. Book/CDs by Michael E. Eidenmuller, Published by McGraw-Hill (2008) See also: Audio, Image (Screenshot) Source: Copyright Status: This text and audio = Property of Image = Public domain.

Characteristics of the Modern Theories of International Trade Research Paper

Characteristics of the Modern Theories of International Trade - Research Paper Example Heckscher-Ohlin theory outlines the reasons for trade between countries based on the differences in resources. Comparative advantage in this case is dependent on the interaction between resources available in a certain country. According to this theory, the production technology influences relative intensity in utilization of different production factors. The theory presumes some factors in production of different goods and the implications when two countries involved in trade produce similar items (Gandolfo 1-98). This theorem explains the trade patterns with emphasis on variation of quality defining the variation in requirements. This theory has enhanced specialization where a country exports products that it  can produce rather than the products that are unsuitable for production. As a result, the countries involved will benefit from the trade within the international business environment (Gandolfo 1-98). The theory outlines two factors influencing the distribution of income. Firstly, immediate transfer of resources from a country without costs is impossible. Secondly, the difference in changes of production mix in relation to the production factors’ demand varies depending on the  industry. Another characteristic of the theory is that it points out that capital and territory are examples of specific factors, while labor acts as a mobile factor (Gandolfo 1-98). In modern business environment, any country with less land and high capital abundance is characterized by an increase in the manufactured goods and decrease in the food products because of the increase in the marginal productivity. Two countries in trade partnership have an integrated economy, and failure of one country to trade translates to equality in rate of production and consumption (Gandolfo 1-98). This theory outlines curve of relative supply that results from production possibility. On the other hand, the theory

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Role of Thusong Community Centre in advancing development to Essay

The Role of Thusong Community Centre in advancing development to communities - Essay Example ratic government in 1994. Black and rural area residents did not have the opportunity of the urban people to receive quality government services. Principal challenge of new democratic government is to reduce the gap created by the previous government in receiving services irrespective of location of regions, status and race of people. In 1999 government introduced Multipurpose-Purpose Community Centers (MPCC) to reduce the gaps. Today, those community centers; are called Thusong Service Centers (TSC). ... These centres are established as communication development hubs based on Batho Pele values and principles, which place people first. TSC’s primary focus was on rural and underserviced communities to address their historical, social and economic factors thru access to information and citizen participation. It also included these communities’ socio-economic problems such as poverty, high unemployment, low standards of living (people living below the poverty line), poor access to basic services, remote settlement patterns, lack of access to technology and information, poor health services, insufficient education and skills and poor infrastructure (GCIS, 2001; 5). Since its introduction, TSC has undergone several changes to improve national coordination at the local level. In this regards TSC program created two phases’ activities. The phases are called first generation and second generation. According to a document released by the GCIS (2006: 7), the first generatio n phase is developed to establish one TSC in each district by December 2004. In fact, by December 2004, sixty-five centres were established that provides services to more than 700 areas not served previously. As of September 2009, countrywide 139 TSCs are established. The further roll-out of TSCs in each local municipality is a target set for 2014. In 2006, Cabinet approved the second generation Thusong Service Centres Business Plan. It describes different participants roles and responsibilities, provides guidelines on the sustainability of existing TSC, and focuses on the role of future centers. Second-generation TSC Program entails government’s commitment to build a responsive state where citizens and the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Outcome of Employee Involvement and Participation Essay

The Outcome of Employee Involvement and Participation - Essay Example The utilization of this management philosophy is proved to positively impact a business organization. First, it has been demonstrated that giving employees the chance to participate in the decision making of business organizations directly and significantly contributes to their job satisfaction. As human beings, employees have this innate desire to enhance their self-worth. Without their participation and involvement, employees are left with the feeling that they are no more than the equipment that the company uses. With these sentiments, employees began to feel dissatisfied with their job, leading to human resource problems like absenteeism and low labor productivity. Thus, employee involvement and participation is a motivational factor that enhances the satisfaction of employees. Employee satisfaction has a positive implication for a firm. For one, employee satisfaction brought about by employee involvement is instrumental in achieving the goals of the company. John Purcell has emphasized that the firm’s human resource should be taken as strategic partners. Employee involvement can be used in order to tap the creativity and skill of the workforce and strategically align according to the goals of the business organization. If the employees are satisfied with their jobs, then doing this will be less tedious. The end result will be higher organizational performance leading to higher profitability. Employee involvement in the decision making of the company gives them the feeling of belongingness to the organization. This also makes them able to identify themselves with the company. They feel that their efforts can strongly contribute to the attainment of organizational success.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Research Paper on the book A RAGE IN HARLEM by Chester Himes

On the book A RAGE IN HARLEM by Chester Himes - Research Paper Example Marshall out of arresting him, and then gambles his last hopes away. Jackson then seeks help from his brother Goldy to help find Imabelle. Goldy makes a living by disguising himself as a Christian-religious female impersonator of Sister Gabriel. He is also a snitch for two colored deceitful detectives, Grave Digger and Coffin Ed. Upon some investigation, Goldy finds out that Jackson’s beloved Imabelle has a common law husband named Slim. Slim, a gang leader forms a scam where he steals money from rich colored people who invest in a purported lost-gold-mine. Together, Slim, Hank and Jodie devise a plan where a â€Å"contact man† (Gus Parsons) will linger at bars, conferences and churches in effort to reel in potential investors and take them blindfolded to the â€Å"corporation headquarters† to view the gold. Goldy connects the dots, finds that Imabelle’s mysterious trunk is full of gold ore samples used for convincing the potential investors, and confirms this with Jackson. With this new information, Goldy devises a strategy to help his brother find Imabelle through Gus Parsons. Together, Goldy, the detectives, and Jackson try to track down the hoodlums and help Jackson. Throughout the story, one series of unfortunate events lead to another, combined with chaos, vivid images of vi olence, death, blood, sex and crime, all told in a humorous fashion that kept me laughing all the way through. The first critique work for Chester Himes’ novel features from Keishton’s review of the novel where the general feeling is that there is life and reality in it. The remarks agree to Himes’ ability to represent the actual scene of life as it was back in the fifties and sixties, marred by urbanity and repetitive crime. Keishton further concurs with the novel’s connection to real life by proposing to the events that move the thesis as being part and parcel of daily

Thursday, July 25, 2019

INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC GROWTH PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC GROWTH PAPER - Essay Example Free trade was also established and its target was to prevent currency competition. For the next 30 years, it managed to be successful for the attainment of common goals but collapsed in 1971. United Kingdom's economy is currently the fourth largest in the world. Over the first half of the twentieth century, it had a peace making and policing role in the world economy. The world wars had brought about a contraction in the world international trade and investment and UK held a prominent position. But over the years, as globalization occurred, the prominence of UK saw a decline as the foothold of US in the world economy grew stronger after the world wars. In the years of 1920 and 1930s, UK maintained a fluctuating exchange rate regime but it created economic instability and created friction between countries. So at the end of the first half of the twentieth century, a fixed exchange rate system was followed to resolve balance of trade problems. However, in the agreement between US and UK in 1942, UK played a key role assisting US attain the aims of free trade and payments. In 1950, however, other European countries became stronger than the UK economy through economic integr ation. The Breton Woods agreement was also made on the outline plan proposed by the UK and US. In 1945, the world economy faced a challenge when a shortage for the American currency occurred. The US gave loan to the UK in exchange for the lifting of exchange rate controls from sterling. However, this did not turn out well as others started to save UK's currency and cashed it in US dollars. 8. Critically examine the view that the years 1948-73 represented a 'golden age' for the international economy. In 1948, Ludwig Erhard, a German politician, eliminated price fixing and controls on productions that had been enacted by the military rulers and advocated trade liberalization which recovered Germany from the after effects of the Second World War. The International Trade Charter was also agreed in the UN Conference but was not approved in the US. In 1951, the European Coal and Steel Community attempted to establish free trade for certain materials in European countries. In 1960, European Free Trade Association was formed and it also aimed at the liberalization of trade between member countries. In 1973, OPEC, an oil cartel restricted the supply of oil to the world market and raised the crude oil price. As a result of this restriction, exporters in Saudi Arab became rich overnight. The years of 1948-73 were certainly the Golden Age for international economy as the years were characterized by increased trading, due to reduced barriers and abandonment of protectionist policies. This be ttered the relationships between countries, increased the emphasis on specialization, raised productivity and thus, brought about economic growth in many countries 9. Why did the Asian 'Tigers' achieve such

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Arguing about the risk of investment in a certain kind of stock Essay

Arguing about the risk of investment in a certain kind of stock - Essay Example Since stocks are considered as most volatile and risky investments, therefore, to make an investment into any stock requires considerable analysis and exploration of different factors which may have a direct or indirect impact on the stock prices. Since 2007, overall activity in the stock markets has been depressed due to different factors and currently the markets are suffering due to sovereign debt crisis in EU zone. (Elliott). Despite such economic uncertainty and decline in economic activity, there are sectors which are booming and can provide one of the most lucrative investment avenues to the investors. Stocks like Facebook, semi-conductor industry stocks, as well as 3M are some of the stocks which can provide real benefits to the investors at every level. It is also, however, important to note that the personal risk and return preferences are always individual and remain as an individual decision. This paper will discuss the risks involved in the stocks such as Facebook, NXP a nd 3M, as well as will explore as to how the risks may emerge and how investors can actually invest into such stocks. Stocks Investment Before discussing the different stocks, it is important to provide a general introduction to the stock investment and how they can be approached from the investment point of view. Historically, the returns on the stocks, as well as bonds remained volatile; however, stocks have returned more over the period of time. It is also critical to note that the bonds are considered as safer investments because they hold the preference over the stocks and the bondholders are paid fixed interest income over the period of bond maturity. It becomes the obligation of the bond issuers to pay regular interest over the period of the bond and return the principal at the end. However, this is not the case with the stocks and the shareholders are not paid any principal at the end neither they are guaranteed that they will be paid regular dividends. These characteristics of the stocks, therefore, make them risky and investors can only invest into them if they believe and understand the overall risks involved. It is critical to note that stockholders, however, are given the ownership into the firms and they can also participate into the overall decision making for the firm (Siegel). The value, return and risks on the stocks, therefore, are relatively unique and different and need expertise and certain degree of business acumen to decide as to whether to invest or not. Facebook Shares World is experiencing a new internet boom and internet websites are becoming one of the hottest investment avenues for the investors. Different types of websites and services such as Facebook, Google, Zynga have been able to attract huge attention of the investors due to the sheer potential of growth involved in them. Recently Zynga, one of the leading makers of social games, launched its IPO and was successfully oversubscribed by the investors in the global markets (Ra ice and Randall). Such receptivity towards these types of stocks, therefore, suggests that the investors are ready to understand the risks involved into dot com companies and are also willing to assume them. Facebook Inc. is the leading social networking site with millions of active users who use Facebook every day. What is important to note, that the overall user base of the site is global and as such it has global

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Westward Expansion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Westward Expansion - Essay Example At this time, America reached the idea of exploring its boundaries up to the shores of the Pacific. Leaders, as well as politicians of the then government used the phrase, â€Å"Manifest destiny,† to present an explanation it was the mission and destiny of the United State to extend its boundaries by act of moving westward. By then, the initial 13 American colonies had grown; there was also an increased desire for acquiring new land. The Westward Expansion entailed various sub-phenomena: The Expedition of Lewis and Clark, the Act of Homestead, the concept of Gold Rush, the Trail of Oregon, and the famous Transcontinental Railroad. All these concepts changed the life of thousands of Americans. People started shifting to the west for land, power, gold, and wealth. Some peoples’ dreams were fulfilled, although often people abandoned the West desperately. Native Americans are intertwined with the Westward Expansion’s historical events. Sometimes encounters between th e Native Americans and those moving West were at times positive and in other times disastrous; was not a great idea for some. Unfortunately, negative encounters emerged from misunderstood values of the involved groups cultures. Work Cited: Billington, Ray A., and Ridge, Martine. Westward Expansion: A history of the American Frontier. 6th ed. Library of Congress cataloging-in-Publication Data, 2001. (pp. 17-46). Quay, Sara E. Westward Expansion. Library of Congress cataloging-in-Publication Data, 2002. 19th C. American Westward Expansion. Accessed 4 Dec. 2011. (pp. 3-8). from Concerning the phenomenon of Lewis and Clark Expedition, President Thomas Jefferson, in 1803, purchased the Territory of Louisiana, for $15 million from France. By embracing the Act of Expedition, the nation of America registered a growth of approximately 1 million miles square; between the regions of Mississippi to Rockies, as well as between the Gulf of Mexico an d Canada. President Jefferson sent Corp’s of Discovery by William Clark and Meriwether Lewis, in an attempt of obtaining a reliable water route form the Pacific as well as the nation gains an exploration of new territory. In 1862, The Homestead Act was signed in by Abraham Lincoln, in an effort of motivating people to proceed to the west and tend new lands and to take effect on the 1st of January 1863. The Act of Homestead provided about 160 acres to people. Every â€Å"homesteader† had to pay a fee of $10 for filing. Thereafter, they had to occupy the land and establish homes. The ownership was in effect, so long as the land was to be occupied and cultivated for a period of five years. About 270 million acres of land got claimed as well as settled per The Homestead Act. Gold was discovered in January 1848, on the estate referred to as John Sutter in California. In the same year, the findings of the treasurer, gold, was validated by President James Polk; the Gold Rush started. Those who proceeded to the west in search for gold, were termed; the â€Å"forty-niners† (49ers), since many abandoned their homes within the course of the year, 1849. Incidentally, others joined the gold region in 1848 and thus, were referred to as the 48ers. Consequently, California emerged a populous state following the Gold Rush. The United States laid thousands of track miles in 1835 that is in the eastern part. Trains eased the shipping of goods; it also made the cost of shipping go down and the process was quick. There was the emergence of towns and factories started to be established along the route of the railroad. Native Americans

John Mill and Immanuel Kant Essay Example for Free

John Mill and Immanuel Kant Essay The following is a conceptual paper that I have written to address the following questions: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is enlightenment for Kant? What is the public use of reason? 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to Mill, how do people develop understandings of the world? Do most people have sound understandings? Question 1 Kant observed that: â€Å"If it is now asked: Do we presently live in an enlightened age? the answer is, No, but we do live in an age of enlightenment. (Kant, p.4) So, Kant characterized the state of society and separate individuals as imperfect, and pointed, that Enlightenment is a long-lasting process. Kant explained Enlightenment as â€Å"mans emergence from his self-imposed immaturity† (Kant, p.1). Such immaturity for him meant inability to use own reason and to â€Å"think with own head†. The basic characteristic of immaturity is that it is caused not by lack of understanding or ability, but by lack of will and desire to think. Under Kant’s teaching, most of the individuals would rather prefer to rely on other’s understanding, than on their own. So, they gladly follow orders of teacher’s, priests and government authorities (Kant, p. 2).   So, Kant believed, that the purpose of Enlightenment was to tech people think for themselves. Kant separated that, what he called â€Å"private use of reason† from that what he called â€Å"public use of reason†.   Generally, public use of reason is defined as ability to think and argue reasonably before authorities. The situation of public use of reason may be potentially unpleasant or even dangerous for an individual, however, an enlightened person should not be afraid to think rationally and reject unfounded claims of, for example, taxman or pastor. Those latter in turn are to apply private reason – ability to think rationally, attributable to persons, filling public positions (Kant, p.3). Under Kant, in case most of the individuals in a particular society are able to apply both public and private reason, such society may be considered as enlightened. Question 2 According to Mill, only one person out of hundred is able to judge a fact, in case it is not obvious, and even this one, who is able to judge, possesses only comparative abilities for the matter (Mill, p.2). Existing opinions of those, who are relatively able to think, are influenced by historic development of people’s understanding. Mill notes the following contradiction: humans aim to think rationally, but the rationality of their affairs and conduct remains in desperate conditions. Therefore, human acts and opinions need to be corrected, taking into account experience, and being proved by discussion. Experience alone may appear to be vague, due to false application in previous cases. Therefore, discussion becomes a tool for investigation of experience and reduction of probability of misuse (Mill, p.3). Another function of discussion is providing broader approach to a particular problem. Under Mill, even the wisest person can never obtain complete understanding of the subject, without hearing opinions of the others, and examining a variety of ideas about the matter. A feature of a wise man is an ability and readiness to take even contradictory points of view into account, in spite of avoiding them (Mill, p.5). Mill believed, that his society restricted necessary discussion, because people were not really sure about their beliefs and fearful to loose them, because loosing them means a necessity to change. And in order to avoid changes, society oppresses opinions by authority,   by refusal to hear, or by condemnation. The way out for Mill was mental well-being and education of humanity, combined with freedom of expressing opinions. An opinion should not only be proposed, but suffered by an individual, and this makes a particular opinion his own (Mill, p. 6).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Male and Female Roles in Society Essay Example for Free

Male and Female Roles in Society Essay Mozart Beethoven Within the classical style of music stand two well-known, well-versed composers: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven. Both men were crucial, influential figures in the Classical era of music and composed works that are still held with great praise and dignity over 200 years later. To passive listeners, Mozart and Beethoven are very similar in their style and compositions. Although similarities do exist, their music and personal lives differed, most appropriately due to the periods in which they became famous. Mozart, considered the best and most successful composer of the Classical era, began his work at a time when classical music was prominent. Beethoven, meanwhile, was successful during the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras. Although hes considered an influential figure of the Classical era, he is also credited with developing a new style and pushing the boundaries of classical music. Because Beethoven was born when Mozart began composing his early successful works he was able to take advantage of learning and studying classical music when it was at its best. Both composers were born into highly-musical families. Their fathers were their first teachers who considered their sons musical prodigies. Sonically, their works were quite different. Its often said that Beethoven stands out more than Mozart in classical music, that his compositions are more complex are more in touch with personality and emotion. At the same time, it could be said that Mozart was ahead of his time. Beethoven borrowed many ideas from numerous composers before him, including Mozart; in adding his own touch he made his works loved then and now

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Condition of the Working Class in england Analysis

The Condition of the Working Class in england Analysis Originally written in German as Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England, The Condition of the Working Class in England, published in 1845 is a study of the proletarians in Victorian England. It was also Friedrich Engels first book, written during his stay in Manchester from 1842 to 1844. He was only 24 years old and son of a German textile manufacturer. He was sent to Manchester to work in a British textile firm owned by his father. Manchester was then at the very heart of the Industrial Revolution, and Engels compiled his study from his own observations and detailed contemporary reports as he immediately states in the Preface to the German Edition that we will analyse further on. It was his research methods which led to the conclusion regarding the structural inequalities which were, and are, inherent in the capitalist system. After considering other historians point of view in this essay I will argue that Engels and his book can indeed be considered reliable. Engels arrived in Manchester at almost the worst period of what was certainly the most catastrophic slump of the nineteenth century.  [1]  He shows that in large industrial cities mortality from disease, as well as death-rates for workers were higher than in the countryside. In cities like Manchester and Liverpool mortality from smallpox, measles, scarlet fever and whooping cough was four times as high as in the surrounding countryside, and mortality from convulsions was ten times as high as in the countryside. The overall death-rate in Manchester and Liverpool was significantly higher than the national average (one in 32.72 and one in 31.90 and even one in 29.90, compared with one in 45 or one in 46).  [2]   Engels has been accused of everything: from taking too gloomy an interpretation of the conditions of the British working class in 1844, to handling his material in a way which falls below generally accepted standards of scholarship by two Manchester University researchers W. H. Chaloner and W. O. Henderson in 1958.  [3]  The British Marxist Historian Eric Hobsbawm, on the other hand, has defended his account vigorously in his book Labouring Men. Most of the people accepted Engels account as standards, even if they disagreed with the analysis and the conclusions and was consistently in print and widely regarded by non-Marxist historians as a reliable account which they could safely recommend to their students.  [4]   Nonetheless gloomy interpretations have been made by a number of other historians or writers such as Elisabeth Gaskell in her social novels Mary Barton or North and South, J.Philips Kay, contemporaries and contemporary journalists and also official reports like the ones used by Engels himself, the Report to the Home Secretary from the Poor-Law Commissioners or Observations on the Management of the Poor in Scotland and its Effects on the Health of Great Towns or the First Report of the Commissioners for Inquiry into the State of Large Towns and Populous Districts. Far more gloomy descriptions have been written down in the same year by a number of other people. Engels clearly does not want to impress, scare or disgust his readers, he gives details, facts and numbers, you can tell that he both used his personal experience of living in Manchester, when he says I have rarely come out of Manchester on such an evening (Saturday) without meeting numbers of people staggering and seeing others lying in the gutter.  [5]  He uses a number of different sources too, from Dr Kays The Moral and Physical Conditions of the Working Class, to Carlyles Chartism (London, 1840) and many more. Conditions in England were bad, filthy. People lived in an ill-ventilated and abominable state. Engels did not exaggerate at all as he personally states: I am forced to admit that instead of being exaggerated, it is far from black enough to convey a true impression of the filth, ruin, and uninhabitableness, the defiance of all considerations of cleanliness, ventilation, and health which characterize the construction of this single district (Old Town of Manchester), containing at least twenty to thirty thousand inhabitants.  [6]  These descriptions are not even a bit revolting compared to the ones of Edwin Chadwick, Secretary of the Poor-Law Commissioners. He in fact writes: The scene which these places present at night is one of the most lamentable description; the crowded state of the beds, filled promiscuously with men, women, and children; the floor covered over with the filthy and ragged clothes they have just put off, and with their various bundles and packages containing al l the property they possess, mark the depraved and blunded state of their feelings, and the moral and social disorder which exists. The suffocating stench and heat of the atmosphere are almost intolerable to a person coming from the open air, and plainly indicates its insalubrity.  [7]   Even worse is the Report of the General Board of Health on the Epidemic Cholera: The worst circumstance about these slaughter-houses is the accumulation of an enormous quantity of animal and vegetable matter in large holes, where they lie festering, fermenting and putrefying together, and from which there is a constant emanation of offensive vapour poisoning the atmosphere (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) I have seen persons heaving and vomiting. As to the houses, it is utterly impossible to keep the stench out by closed windows; every room is pervaded by it. I am myself obliged to put a handkerchief over my nose and mouth scented with spirits. Most of the neighbours awake with headache, nausea, and loss of appetite. It is one of the most disgusting sights to see the loading of charts; scores of yards of green, blue, or yellow putrid entails hang in festoons over the sides and wheels. I have also seen coagulated blood, and sometimes the whole stuff of a brownish red colour from this addition.  [8 ]   For honesty of intentions I also have to say that other reliable witnesses during the Industrial Revolutions such as British Conservative Statesman and literary figure Benjamin Disraeli or Alexis De Tocqueville in his Journeys to England Ireland do not regard the conditions of the British workers as significantly as Engels or Elisabeth Gaskell. Journeys to England and Ireland heralds Friedrich Engels Conditions of the Working Class in England, but although Tocqueville had been struck by the unhappy conditions of the English working people, he does not seem to have been in touch with Chartist activities in those years.  [9]  Benjamin Disraeli publishes his novel Sybil or The Two Nations trying to trace the difficulties of working classes in England, but then makes one of his characters say that statistics proved that the general condition of the people was much better at this moment than it had been at any known period of history.  [10]  This statistical argument was continue d and affirmed by Professor Silberling and for a generation the cheerful school (Chaloner and Henderson) pinned their faith primarily to him.  [11]  He constructed an index of money wages and of the cost of living for the first half of the nineteenth century and, combining both, arrived at the conclusion that the real wages of the working-class had risen. But he was wrong, because we know that the money-wage rates of a good many, generally skilled workers on time rates, and a lot on piece rates, which are, of course, not very helpful by themselves. We know next to nothing of what people actually earned. How much overtime or short time did they work? How often were they unemployed and for how long? As for the cost of living theory it was equally shaky because it was largely based on guesswork. Chaloner and Henderson point out Engels slips and minor errors, which even Hobsbawm admit that are very numerous. Normally, if a book is full of minor errors and transcription mistakes, it is normal to consider it dishonest, but not in this case. We have to focus on the nature of these inaccuracies. He has been accused to not quote bluebooks textually. A bluebook is a publication that establishes the correct form of case citations or of references to a legal authority showing where information can be found.  [12]  For example he wrote 16 years when the source said 17, he wrote that a sample of children was drawn from one Sunday school, whereas it was two, and so on. This could reduce the credibility of the book, it is true, but in any case readers that want to quote blue-books, should go to the original source in any case. Not that Engels is unreliable: in actual fact, the concrete cases where Engels slips or bias are alleged to have led him to give a wrong or misleading impressi on of the facts, can be counted on the fingers of two hands, and some of the accusations are wrong.  [13]   The first point to make is that most of the descriptions in The Condition of the Working Class in England are not those of Engels himself, but are taken from contemporary reports. Engels used a vast amount of material throughout his book. On a very rough count he used over 30 reports and articles, a number of the second from the Journal of the Statistical Society of London, over 25 official documents, including those of various Commissions of Enquiry (Childrens Employment, 1842 and 1843; Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population, 1842) and reports of Hansards Parliamentary Debates (1843 and 1844) and almost 60 newspaper articles. It is true that the majority (30) of the newspaper items were taken from the Northern Star, the central organ of the Chartists, but he also used the Manchester Guardian (10 items) and The Times (8 items) quite extensively. Engels himself says in the Preface to the German Edition:  [14]   Whenever I lacked official documents for describing the condition of the industrial workers, I always preferred to present proof from Liberal sources in order to defeat the liberal bourgeoisie by casting their own words in their teeth. I cited Tories or Chartists in my support only when I could confirm their correctness from personal observation or was convinced of the truthfulness of the facts quoted because of the personal or literary reputation of the authorities I referred to. Always in the Preface to the German Edition he says that he may have made some minor mistakes:  [15]   I know equally well that here and there I may be proved wrong in some particular of no importance, something that in view of the comprehensive nature of the subject, and its far-reaching assumptions, even an Englishman might be unable to avoid; so much the more since even in England there exists as yet not a single piece of writing which, like mine, takes up all the workers. But without a moments hesitation I challenge the English bourgeoisie to prove that even in a single instance of any consequence for the exposition of my point of view as a whole I have been guilty of any inaccuracy or to prove it by data as authentic as mine. Another way of discrediting Engels is to argue that the sources he uses are unpresentative or selective. Henderson and Chaloner say: These blue-books (or books, or pamphlets, or articles) were not disinterested searches for truth. They were compiled by reformers, passionately anxious to abolish certain abuses (or by revolutionaries, passionately anxious to discredit capitalism). Therefore they picked out the worst cases, because these would cause most public indignation.  [16]  But the exact same things and stories came out from nineteenth-century novelist that are reliable without statistics, partly because they are good observers, partly because the episodes described are far from unlikely. There is no strong evidence to the contrary, so why shouldnt we believe Engels? Chaloner and Henderson have tried really hard to shake the gloomy view of the condition of the British labouring people in the first half of the nineteenth-century, they have tried firmly to discredit Engels book , checking every source, discovering every omission and mistake, not to mention some which are not even there. No other book has been subjected to such systematic and scrupulous hostile examination.  [17]  Having basically failed in their attempt to discredit the book, they started affirming that the conditions were awful, but it was not the fault of capitalism, but of the workers themselves that self-induced poverty because of the expenditure on drink, gambling and tobacco. As we already said one of the main reasons that helps us understand why Engels is a reliable witness of the Industrial Revolution is the Preface to the First German Edition where he clearly explains sources and terminology used. We previously analysed the sources, what is now important to understand is the terminology, that always makes things clear from the beginning and leaves no space to misunderstanding. He therefore states:  [18]   I have used the world Mittelklasse all along in the sense of the English word middle class (or middle classes, as is said almost always). Like the French word bourgeoisie it means the possessing class, specifically that possessing class which is differentiated from the so-called aristocracy the class which in France and England is directly and in Germany, figuring as public opinion, indirectly in possession of political power. Similarly, I have continually used the expressions working men (Arbeiter) and proletarians, working class, propertyless class, and proletariat as equivalents. This shows how careful and precise he was. He was very meticulous even when it comes to the structure of his writing: at the end of every chapter he summarizes and repeats the important parts. He wants no confusion, he wants his writing and therefore what he believes and argues to be as clear as possible. For example in a footnote, he clearly states that Dr Kay occasionally confuses the working class in general with the factory workers, but then underlines how excellent the pamphlet is.  [19]   Engels in the fifth chapter, clearly states that he wants to demonstrate that the bourgeoisie is responsible, as a ruling class, for the murder of working-men. The ruling power of society is the class which holds social and political control and therefore bears the responsibility for the conditions of proletarians. Engels is not surprised about what the workers have become given the circumstances they are living in. Obviously their physical, mental and moral status is so badly damaged that they cannot reach an advantage age. He consequently states that their only enjoyments are sexual indulgence and drunkenness to the point of complete exhaustion of their mental and physical energies.  [20]  He blames the society and the bourgeoisie, all throughout his book, making a relation with modern international Socialism, that in 1844 did not yet exist. Engels in the Preface to the English Edition writes that the ideas in his book represent one of the phases of Socialisms embryonic develop ment. Marx, a very good friend of Engels, used his ideas to build up the theory of Communism as the emancipation of society at large, including the capitalist class, from its narrow conditions. The book was received with great approval in socialist circles. For many workers it was the first time they had been aware of the possibility of a working-class movement. However, the revolutionary conclusions within the text were deplored by bourgeois critics, even though they recognized the accuracy of Engels observations. These conclusions might have been revolutionary, but we have to say that they are the result of his research methods and not a preconceived theory of revolution. Engels did not have a theoretical analysis in which to seek the social conditions that would fit his perspective. His early writings such as this book pre-date both his contact with radical thinkers of the time and the formulation of socialist theories. Engels life experience and observations illustrate how the t heory stated in The Condition was informed by reality and shock for what he saw. Engels starting point was therefore not theoretical, but the raw observed facts of capitalist society.  [21]   However what Marx would have probably never done, is describe the Irish as Engels did in chapter 4: Irish Immigration. Yes, Engels by writing this book was trying to support the working class, by blaming disease, poverty and bad conditions on the bourgeoisie. Because of this, of his background thoughts and because of him trying to politically agitate and politically condemn the English middle class, he should have described with a bit more tact the condition of Little Ireland. He should have said that it was because of the industrial revolution and because of the society in which they were force to live, that they were in such awful conditions. He sort of did this at the end of the chapter by stating: What else should he (the Irishman) do? How can society blame him when it places him in a position in which he almost of necessity becomes a drunkard; when it leaves him to himself, to his savagery?.  [22]  However before that we see that not even Engels was immune to racial prejudic e when he describes Little Ireland as a group of a few hundred mean cottages set in masses of refuse, offal and sickening filth, populated by a horde of ragged women and children swarming about here, as filthy as the swine that thrive upon the garbage heaps and in the puddles. The race that lives in these ruinous cottages, behind broken windows (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦), this race must really have reached the lowest stage of humanity. That race, he argued, was disposed by nature and environment to careless and feckless behaviour, and had brought its dirty habits with it into the hearts of the great English and Scottish towns. Filth and drunkenness, too, they have brought with them, importing a mud cabin level of existence into Britain and degrading and corrupting the English workers through their presence and their competition in the labour market.  [23]  Engels made the mistake of confusing the effects of poverty and ignorance on the poor devil, for the effects of racial characteristic s, but the physical conditions of Little Ireland undoubtedly existed as Engels described them. In conclusion I can affirm, along with historians such as Hobsbawm and using David McLellan words that Engels descriptions can be taken, by and large, as probably the best piece of contemporary evidence that we have available to us.  [24]  The Condition of the Working Class in England is an astonishingly precocious work that recapitulates earlier and contemporary complaints about the damage to human beings created by the rise of industrial capitalism. Seeking to denounce the bourgeoisie for its cruel enslavement and exploitation of the proletariat, his work has still to be considered reliable and accurate. Engels took us through the slums of Manchester and other industrial cities, making us realize and fully understand the disintegration of the individual, the demoralizing influences of poverty, dirt and low environment a disorderly confusion that has been indeed brought by the devastating effects of the industrial society.  [25]  

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Three Strikes Law Essay -- essays research papers

Today there is a growing awareness of repeat offenders among society in reference to crime. Starting around 1980 there was noticeable increase in crime rates in the U.S.. In many of these cases it was noted that these individuals were in fact repeat offenders. So, on March 7, 1994 California enacted the Three-Strikes and You’re Out Law. This laws and other laws like it are currently being utilized today all around the Untied States. This law was first backed by victim’s rights advocates in the state to target habitual offenders. The reason California holds the most importance on this law is due to the fact that it has the largest criminal justice system in America, and it has the most controversy surrounding this law in particular.(Auerhahn, p.55) The roots of this law actually come from Washington State. This state was the first state to actually pass a no-nonsense three strikes policy. The first movement toward this began in the summer of 1991 as research project for the Washington Institute for Policy Studies. The main goals for the project were to examine and review the current practices of sentencing career criminals, and to make recommendations as needed. The researchers wanted anyone who as convicted of a third serious felony to be sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. They wanted there to be no sympathy whatsoever for the criminals. This law was not enforced there until December 1993. (Lacourse, p.1) In California, the most notable reasons for this law were promoted by Fresno resident, Mike Reynolds. In 1992, his daughter was attacked and murdered by two men whom were parolees. The gunman was killed in a shoot-out with police, while the other offender only received a nine year prison sentence. This outraged many, including Mr. Reynolds. He then approached two democratic assemblymen, then they drafted the first three strikes bill, which was defeated. Mr. Reynolds kept campaigning to help pass this bill. He soon got most of his backing from another case, the Polly Klaas case. In this incident a twelve-year old girl was abducted from her bedroom in San Francisco and murdered by Richard Allen Davis. Davis had a lengthy criminal history, and had been released from prison bore he committed this heinous crime. This very case became the public’s main tool in wanting to put an end to â€Å"career criminals.† So, in 1994 the bill was finally pas... ...e data I gathered from both sides of the argument, I have come to a conclusion on whether the law is just. Personally, I feel these laws are not as harsh as some people have made them out to be. We must tackle criminals of any kind to maintain a good society. How can we have this good society if habitual offenders keep polluting it? Deterrence seems positively correlated with the facts I presented in the argument that supported the Three Strikes law. Crime went down with the implementation of these laws. My overall thoughts are that if a person cannot grow and learn from their mistakes to become better individuals, then they must be taken off our streets. Criminals are just that C R I M I N A L S. Certain crimes serve as stepping stones to more violent crimes. The threat of these long sentences may stop a second time offender from committing their third offense. This law can help reduce the prison population by serving as a deterrent to these potential repeat offenders. I agree with this utilitarian method of law. The greater good is served by getting them of the streets. The punishment of the criminals definitely benefits society, and finally there is a means to reach an end.

What is the Relationship Between the Formation of a Modern Chinese Iden

From September 18th, 1931, the date of undeclared Japanese invasion into Manchuria, to August 14th, 1945 marking the end of the War of Resistance, China experienced unprecedented suffering and loss in its struggle for survival. Throughout this time, social, economic, and political conditions underwent severe changes. In the eyes of the world, the Japanese committed sins beyond repentance, and half a century later, no development is evident in this respect. Yet, the War of Resistance gave rise to an invaluable aspect of Chinese culture that defines the nation today. Dr. Sun Yat Sen talked of a nation divided, four hundred million people who shared customs, habits and race, but could not advance in the face of the international world without one truly essential attribute â€Å" the world today what position do we occupy?... we should †¦ be advancing in the front rank with the nations of Europe and America. But the Chinese people have only family and clan solidarity; they do not have national spirit. Therefore even though we have four hundred million people gathered together in one China, in reality they are just a heap of loose sand.† (Tamura, 1998, pp.148). It was the Opium Wars, where Western technological development exposed China's military weakness and the subsequent broken treaties of 1922 and 1928, when China’s Western allies failed to intervene in Japan's invasion of Manchuria in September 1931 (Lin, 1936, pp.368) that forced the issue of â€Å"nationalism† on China during latter half of the 19th century. In the decades following the humiliation suffered at the hands of the ‘barbarians’ during the Opium wars, influential and progressive thinkers such as Feng Guifen and Zou Rong, among others, threw themselves passionately into th... ... the history of modern China. Historical Journal, pp.523--543. Spence, J. (2013). The search for modern China. 3rd ed. New York: Norton, pp.137-387. Spitzer, K. (2012). Why Japan is still not sorry enough. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 May. 2014]. Tamura, E. (1998). China - understanding its past. 1st ed. Honolulu: Univ. of Hawai'i Press. Taylor, J. (2009). The generalissimo. 1st ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. The Economist, (2013). The Legacy of the Sino-Japanese War- An Interview with Rana Mitter. [video] Available at: [Accessed 30 Apr. 2014]. Yeh, W. (2000). Becoming Chinese. 1st ed. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Tibetan Culture and Art :: essays research papers

Tibetan Culture and Art Tibetan culture and art possess a history of more than 5,000 years, and the Tibetan Buddhism has had the greatest influence on this culture. The development of Tibetan culture and art proceeded through four stages: prehistoric civilization before the 7th century; cultural stability during the Tubo Kingdom; high development during the Yuan Dynasty; and the height of cultural achievement attained during the Qing Dynasty. The prehistoric stage includes all development from the ancient civilization that appeared during the New Stone Age some 5,000 years ago to the founding of the Tubo Kingdom in the 7th century. A salient feature of this civilization is the founding and development of the Bon, an animist religion. Findings from the ruins of the Karub New Stone Age Site in Qamdo and rock paintings found in Ngari, which have been dated from all periods from the late Old Stone Age to the Tubo Kingdom in the 7th century, all display a concentrated expression of the achievements of prehistoric civilization and reveal the budding of prehistoric art. The Tubo Kingdom in the 7th century was an important period which witnessed the creation of Tibetan writing and the spread into Tibet of Buddhism from India and China's Tang Dynasty. Collusion and mutual assimilation of different cultures and arts constituted a major feature of this period. Cultural and artistic achievements made during this period of time include the Jokhang, Ramoche, Changzhug and Samye monasteries. These monasteries are a combination of architecture, paintings and sculptures, the styles of which were disseminated in accordance with the world model of Buddhism. The major architectural features of these monasteries were built using a style unique to Tibet, and also incorporating influences from India and the Central Plains of the Tang Dynasty. A unique culture was thus created and firmly planted in the soil of Tibet. During the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), the culture and art of Tibetan Buddhism developed rapidly. Tibet's first encyclopedia-like catalogue on Gangyur and Dangyur of Tibetan Tripitaka was compiled; Buddhist masters who played key roles in the development of Tibetan culture and art, including Sagya Pandit Gonggar Gyaincain, Purdain Rinqenzhub and Zongkapa, emerged. Works of historical significance created during this period of time include the History on Buddhism by Purdain, the Green Annals, the Red Annals, the New Red Annals and the Records on Five Sutras in Tibet. There was an exuberance of literary works, including mottos, philosophic poems, fables and stories.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Social Reformers of India

Mahatma Gandhi: (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) (Father of the Nation, Rashtrapita, ) was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement. He was the pioneer of satyagraha—resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, firmly founded upon ahimsa or total non violence—which led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. Gandhi led nationwide campaigns to ease poverty, expand women's rights, build religious and ethnic amity, end untouchability, and increase economic self-reliance. Above all, he aimed to achieve Swaraj or the independence of India from foreign domination. for main article go to Virchand Gandhi Virchand Gandhi:Virachand Raghav Gandhi (Gujarati: ; VRG 1864–1901) was from Mahuva . He is 19th Century Indian patriot who was friend of Mahatma Gandhi and contemporary to Swami Vivekanand. He and swami vivekananda drew equal attention at the first World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893 . He won a silver medal in same . His statue still stands at the Jain temple in Chicago. He was key member of Indian National Congress . And as a reformer established a] Gandhi Philosophical Society, b] Society for the Education of Women in India (SEWI). Under the banner of SEWI, several Indian women came to U. S. A. for higher studies. c] School of Oriental Philosophy, d] Jain Literature Society in London. . And he delivered 535 lectures in USA and europe. He also died at young age of 37 alike Swami Vivekanand. Today Govt. of India has recognised his service by issuing Postal Stamp in his memory. for main article go to Swami Vivekanand Swami Vivekanand: (January 12, 1863–July 4, 1902) He was the founder of Ramakrishna Mission. Vivekananda is considered to be a major force in the revival of Hinduism in modern India. He is considered a key figure in the introduction of Vedanta and Yoga in Europe and America. He introduced Hinduism at the Parliament of the World's Religions at Chicago in 1893. for main article go to Swami Dayanand Saraswati Swami Dayanand Saraswati: (February 12, 1824 – October 31, 1883) was an important Hindu religious scholar and the founder of the Arya Samaj, â€Å"Society of Nobles†, a Hindu reform movement, founded in 1875. He was the first man who gave the call for Swarajay in 1876 which was later furthered by Lokmanya Tilak. Himanshu Mishra Is also a Social Reformer Born in January 23, 1976 in Pilibhit District for main article go to Raja Ram Mohan Roy Raja Ram Mohan Roy: (August 14, 1774 – September 27, 1833) was a founder of the Brahma Sabha in 1828 which engendered the Brahmo Samaj, an influential Indian socio-religious reform movement. He is best known for his efforts to abolish the practice of sati, the Hindu funeral practice in which the widow was compelled to sacrifice herself on her husband’s funeral pyre. It was he who first introduced the word â€Å"Hinduism† into the English language in 1816. For his diverse contributions to society, Raja Ram Mohan Roy is regarded as one of the most important figures in the Indian Renaissance. Ram Mohan Roy's impact on modern Indian history was a revival of the pure and ethical principles of the Vedanta school of philosophy as found in the Upanishads. for main article go to Jamnalal Bajaj Jamnalal Bajaj: (4 November 1884 – 11 February 1942) was an industrialist, a philanthropist, and Indian independence fighter. Gandhi is known to have adopted him as his son. He is known for this efforts of promoting Khadi and village Industries in India. With the intent of eradicating untouchability, he fought the non admission of Harijans into Hindu temples. He began a campaign by eating a meal with Harijans and opening public wells to them. He opened several wells in his fields and gardens. Jamanalal dedicated much of his wealth to the poor. He felt this inherited wealth was a sacred trust to be used for the benefit of the people. In honour of his social initiatives a well known national and international award called Jamnalal Bajaj Award has been instituted by the Bajaj Foundation. for main article go to Vinoba Bhave Vinoba Bhave: (September 11, 1895 – November 15 1982) was an Indian advocate of Nonviolence and human rights. He is considered as the spiritual successor of Mahatma Gandhi. Vinoba Bhave was a scholar, thinker, writer who produced numerous books, translator who made Sanskrit texts accessible to common man, orator, linguist who had excellent command of several languages (Marathi, Hindi, Urdu, English, Sanskrit), and a social reformer. He wrote brief introductions to, and criticisms of, several religious and philosophical works like the Bhagavad Gita,works of Adi Shankaracharya, the Bible and Quran. His criticism of Dnyaneshwar's poetry as also the output by other Marathi saints is quite brilliant and a testimony to the breadth of his intellect. A university named after him Vinoba Bhave University is still there in the state of Jharkhand spreading knowledge even after his death. for main article go to Baba Amte Baba Amte: (December 26, 1914 – February 9, 2008) was an Indian social worker and social activist known particularly for his work for the rehabilitation and empowerment of poor people suffering from leprosy. He spent some time at Sevagram ashram of Mahatma Gandhi, and became a follower of Gandhism for the rest of his life. He believed in Gandhi's concept of a self-sufficient village industry that empowers seemingly helpless people, and successfully brought his ideas into practice at Anandwan. He practiced various aspects of Gandhism, including yarn spinning using a charkha and wearing khadi. Amte founded three ashrams for treatment and rehabilitation of leprosy patients, disabled people, and people from marginalized sections of the society in Maharashtra, India. for main article go to Shriram Sharma Acharya Shriram Sharma Acharya: (September 20, 1911 – June 2, 1990) was an Indian seer, sage, Indian social worker, a philanthropist, a visionary of the New Golden Era and the Founder of the All World Gayatri Pariwar. He devoted his life to the welfare of people and the refinement of the moral and cultural environment. He pioneered the revival of spirituality, creative integration of the modern and ancient sciences and religion relevant in the challenging circumstances of the present times. To help people, his aim was to diagnose the root cause of the ailing state of the world today and enable the upliftment of society. Acharyaji recognized the crisis of faith, people’s ignorance of the powers of the inner self, and the lack of righteous attitude and conduct. During 1984-1986, he carried out the unique spiritual experiment of sukshmikarana, meaning sublimation of vital force and physical, mental and spiritual energies. for main article go to Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar: (1820-1891) Vidyasagar was a philosopher, academic, educator, writer, translator, printer, publisher, entrepreneur, reformer, and philanthropist. His efforts to simplify and modernize Bangla prose were significant. He was a Bengali polymath and a key figure of the Bengal Renaissance. Vidyasagar championed the uplift of the status of women in India, particularly in his native Bengal. Unlike some other reformers who sought to set up alternative societies or systems, he sought, however, to transform orthodox Hindu society from within. Vidyasagar introduced the practice of widow remarriages to mainstream Hindu society. In earlier times, remarriages of widows would occur sporadically only among progressive members of the Brahmo Samaj. for main article go to Dhondo Keshav Karve Dhondo Keshav Karve: (April 18, 1858 – November 9, 1962) was a preeminent social reformer of his time in India in the field of women's welfare. Karve was one of the pioneers of promoting women's education and the right for widows to remarry in India. The Government of India recognized his reform work by awarding him its highest civilian award, Bharat Ratna, in 1958 (Incidentally his centennial year). The appellation Maharshi, which the Indian public often assigned to Karve, means †a great sage†. Those who knew Karve affectionately called him as Anna Karve. In Marathi-speaking community, to which Karve belonged, the appellation Anna is often used to address either one's father or an elder brother. ) for main article go to Balshastri Jambhekar Balshastri Jambhekar: (January 6, 1812– May 18, 1846) is known as Father of Marathi journalism for his efforts in starting journalism in Marathi language with the first newspaper in the language named ‘Darpan' in t he early days of British Rule in India. He founded Darpan as the first Marathi newspaper. He was editor of this newspaper during the British rule in India. This turned out to be the beginning of Marathi journalism. He had mastery in many languages including Marathi, Sanskrit, English and Hindi. Apart from that he also had a good grasp of Greek, Latin, French, Gujarati and Bengali. for main article go to Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar B. R. Ambedkar: (14 April 1891 — 6 December 1956) was an Indian jurist, political leader, Buddhist activist, philosopher, thinker, anthropologist, historian, orator, prolific writer, economist, scholar, editor, revolutionary and the revivalist of Buddhism in India. He was also the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. Ambedkar spent his whole life fighting against social discrimination, the system of Chaturvarna — the Hindu categorization of human society into four varnas — and the Hindu caste system. He is also credited with having sparked the bloodless revolution with his most remarkable and innovative Buddhist movement. Ambedkar has been honoured with the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award. for main article go to Annie Besant Annie Besant: (October 1 , 1847 – September 20, 1933) was a prominent Theosophist, women's rights activist, writer and orator and supporter of Irish and Indian self rule. In 1908 Annie Besant became President of the Theosophical Society and began to steer the society away from Buddhism and towards Hinduism. She also became involved in politics in India, joining the Indian National Congress. When war broke out in Europe in 1914 she helped launch the Home Rule League to campaign for democracy in India and dominion status within the Empire which culminated in her election as president of the India National Congress in late 1917. After the war she continued to campaign for Indian independence until her death in 1933. for main article go to Vitthal Ramji Shinde Vitthal Ramji Shinde: (April 23, 1873 – January 2, 1944) He was a prominent campaigner on behalf of the Dalit movement in Maharashtra and established the Depressed Classes Mission to provide education to the Dalits in Maharashtra. for main article go to Gopal Hari Deshmukh Gopal Hari Deshmukh: (1823-1892) was a social reformer in Maharashtra. Deshmukh started writing articles aimed at social reform in Maharashtra in the weekly Prabhakarunder the pen name Lokhitwadi. In the first two years, he penned 108 articles on social reform. That group of articles has come to be known in Marathi literature as Lokhitwadinchi Shatapatre. or main article go to Pandurang Shastri Athavale Pandurang Shastri Athavale: (October 19, 1920–October 25, 2003) was an Indian philosopher, spiritual leader, social reformer [2] and Hinduism reformist, who founded the Swadhyay Movement and the Swadhyay Parivar organization (Swadhyay Family) in 1954 [3], a self-knowledge movement based on the Bhagavad Gita, which has spread across nearly 100,000 villages in India [4][5], with over 5 million members [6]. He was also noted for his discourses or â€Å"pravachans† on Srimad Bhagawad Gita and Upanishads. for main article go to Kandukuri Veeresalingam Kandukuri Veeresalingam: (16 April 1848 – 27 May 1919) was a social reformer who first brought about a renaissance in Telugu people and Telugu literature. He was influenced by the ideals of Brahmo Samaj particularly those of Keshub Chunder Sen. He got involved in the cause of social reforms. In 1876 he started a Telugu journal and wrote the first prose for women. He encouraged education for women, and started a school in Dowlaiswaram in 1874. He started a social organisation called Hitakarini (Benefactor). for main article go to Swami Ramdev Swami Ramdev: Ramkishan Yadav popularly known as Swami Ramdev (Hindi: ), is an Indian Hindu swami. He is known for his efforts in popularizing yoga as it is enunciated in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. He is also one of the founders of the Divya Yog Mandir Trust headquartered in Haridwar, that aims to popularize Yoga and offer Ayurvedic treatments. The New York Times calls him an â€Å"Indian who built Yoga Empire†, â€Å"a product and symbol of the New India, a yogic fusion of Richard Simmons, Dr. Oz and Oprah Winfrey, irrepressible and bursting with Vedic wisdom†. for main article go to Jawaharlal Nehru Jawaharlal Nehru:Jawaharlal Nehru (Hindi/Kashmiri: , pronounced [d a r? la? l ? ne ru]; 14 November 1889–27 May 1964[4]) was an Indian statesman who was the first (and to date the longest-serving) prime minister of India, from 1947 until 1964. One of the leading figures in the Indian independence movement, Nehru was elected by the Congress Party to assume office as independent India's first Prime Minister, and re-elected when the Congress Party won India's first general election in 1952. As one of the founders of the Non-aligned Movement, he was also an important figure in the international politics of the post-war era. He is frequently referred to as Pandit Nehru (â€Å"pandit† being a Sanskrit and Hindi honorific meaning â€Å"scholar† or â€Å"teacher†) and, specifically in India, as Panditji (with â€Å"-ji† being a honorific suffix). Periyar E. V. Ramasamy Thanthai Periyar or E. V. R. , was a businessman, politician, Indian independence and social activist, who started the Self-Respect Movement or the Dravidian Movement and proposed the creation of an independent state called Dravidasthan comprising South India. He is also the founder of the socio-cultural organisation, Dravidar Kazhagam. [1][2][3]